Sometimes my dad touches me, and I like it.I am a teenager and my father (who is my best friend) touches me; he knows his evil and has told me, but he continues anyway I am a teenager and my father (who is my best friend) touches me; he knows his evil and has told me, but he continues anyway Chicos, I regret if this is a bit hard... this is my first post actually. So my father and I have always been very close. We have the same sense of humor, taste in movies... always knows how to react to me when I'm in a bad mood, etc. He's basically one of my best friends (as I'm a 17-year-old girl). But then... it's my turn. I don't even know if he can count on being abused. He does it when he's half asleep in the morning... he'll start rubbing my back (which I think is a fairly normal parenting thing to do... except I unpack my bra), then he'll move to my chest or he'll take my ass. If I get into my stomach, he passes through me sitting on my ass... he really likes it, like he massages and bites (at this point I'm so tired that I'm barely aware, or I feel bad, like I hurt his feelings if I try to get up). Sometimes he'll say really rude things that I honestly think I'll imagine (because whose father would say those things?); if I say I need to get up and shower, he'll offer to take one with me. Or once he told me he'd give me a purple nurple or we should. Again I remember sucking my finger. And I feel like it's my fault because I let him do it. All I want is to have my back rubbed or something, but it always takes it further. I'm sure I'm trying to get away from him, like cuddling in a ball or something, but then he resists or laughs at this kind of uncomfortable laugh. He once asked me if I thought I was creepy. I didn't say anything, I just pretended I was still asleep. Once we were on vacation in Mexico, only he and I were still on the beach (my mother went back to the hotel). He was looking at the water and said something like, "I'm a terrible father"; I knew what he wanted to say but I asked him why. I was very uncomfortable and not completely listening, but said something around the lines, "I'm probably confusing you" (I think I did). Then he said something close to "I like to rub you." Then I got up and said I was going back to the hotel and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I said, "No, thank you for saying sorry." Then he went back to our room. It's still my turn. He'll give me a massage on my back, but like putting his hands on the front of my shirt, just touching my chest. I know I should have talked to him about it, but I was so uncomfortable, crazy and embarrassed... and the thing is, I can never tell anyone about it. I love my father until death and in general I probably have the best moral compass of anyone I've ever known. If I told him I'd destroy our family and your life. Besides, this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. Thank you all for reading, I'm so sorry. Any advice? TL;DR: I am 17 years old and my father touches me inappropriately and I let him pass, but he is one of my best friends so he never knows. EDIT: Thank you for all the advice and offers to speak in this post! I appreciate honesty, although it is more difficult to read your publications than I thought it was (it just became real) I would worry that if you don't put a stop to this behavior now, from time to time, it's going to end up having sex with you simply because you won't stop it. You're almost an adult, I know he's your father, but if he can't stop then you have to. Finish your tolerance of this behavior before your life is ruined... Assuming a single act of penetrating sexual intercourse is more alive than years of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Before your life is ruined... You're already blamed for your actions. She's going to be born in the adult world with codependent behaviors and confusion over healthy boundaries and sexual roles. This man has prepared it for a life of people taking advantage of it and twisting their desires to their needs. It is very likely that someone, very soon, will rape her and/or abuse her otherwise. If that's not a ruined life, I don't know what it is. Don't worry about the ruin of life. We're all ruined somehow at some point. Take it now and take a therapist while any insurance your parents have will probably cover it. All teenagers - especially those in the adult's body need a small psychological challenge. Dad doesn't have to know why you're there. Or he'll do it with someone else. OP, whatever you think of your father, he's not a good person. He doesn't have a good moral compass. He's a pervert and a weak one. And he knows you know, so try to play the victim, the wound. It makes you feel bad about the thought of doing something about it, and it does it on purpose. I'd advise you to call the police. If you don't, at least urging him to stop. You don't want your own father to touch you is perfectly normal. If he gets hurt by that, drag him. (not literally) He's not your best friend. He's your father and he's supposed to protect you, don't take advantage of it. I don't think anything I'm saying makes you say to someone, but that's really what you need to do. You're a good person and what you do is not right. If there's someone you feel comfortable talking to, a teacher, counselor, a friend's father, please do it. I told a friend a year ago, and none of us has raised him since... I think it made her very uncomfortable. And I know he's taking advantage of me and I have no idea where he comes from, but I know he's not a bad man. I feel like he's as confused as the mere he's allowed out? Do you have younger brothers? Yeah, now I have a boyfriend. And there are no younger brothers, only a half-brother of 28 years... above all, probably have the best moral compass of anyone I've ever met... above all, probably have the best moral compass of anyone I've ever met. Clearly notPlus this could not even be so big a deal; some parents make WATER worse than their daughters. Besides, this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. Yeah, it's a big deal, and no matter what other people do. If this doesn't stop now, it could reach the point where it ends up doing "worst things." Even if I haven't touched you, it's still sexual abuse. You have to be clear that this is wrong, and you don't like it. Cursed to hurt your feelings, as you're wrong. You need to receive the message in a direct and unequivocal way. I would also worry about bringing her friends around her, or any other younger woman. Please never leave your children alone with him. If he can't control his impulses with you, he probably won't be able to with his grandchildren. I thought about this. It also makes me nervous that my future husband can do this to our children. I know every man isn't like that, but based on everything he knows about my father, he wouldn't be one to do it either... I think you should read the limits and learn to say no. There are many resources for this effect online, and perhaps also in your school. Maybe talk to a counselor and talk about how you feel uncomfortable resisting the advances of the kids. Basically, you have to learn that if someone is making you uncomfortable, it's your right to stop. This is not so much for your father, but for all the guys you know on the road. The same will happen again and again with them, and if you don't learn to get up for yourself, bad things will happen. Furthermore, regardless of how limited his actions are, the fact that he is your father and you have these feelings for him is what makes him wrong. You depend on him, and he uses that fact to do things that he could never date another woman. If you ever had a good moral compass, you need serious maintenance. I'm just a random person on the internet, so what I know. But I think you should tell him that he never touches you again and that if he does, you'll tell the authorities. And you need to see a therapist and/or marriage counselor. I think this is ultimately for your own good. He knows he's wrong and he doesn't stop. I'm just trying to say 'No' or 'Stop' next time and I hope it's enough to hit some sense on it. As the father of a young daughter this post really makes me sad. I hope I can stop late. Be strong and be brave. Your father won't stop loving you if you defend yourself. You shouldn't be in this position. I know you want it and that's okay. But he needs help. I shouldn't be doing this. I completely understand that you value the relationship you have with your father, it's great to have a deep connection with a father. However, the lines are being blurred a little with their inappropriate actions. You need to realize that you're not helping or helping the situation by keeping a secret and allowing it to keep happening. If you want to keep this in secret, I suggest you confront it and just make it clear that it needs to stop. This would be a wise move since you will soon be an adult and you don't need this kind of abuse to affect your adult relationships, yes, this is a form of OP abuse. If he's a good father, stop him from doing this, and see how he reacts. Besides... even if you're 17 years old, and almost an adult, you're still his son. You can't blame yourself for his actions. You're wrong, and you have to protect yourself. That's the job your father should have done, but he failed. He put you in a bad position, and you have every right to tell someone, although I fully understand why not (you think I've been in a somewhat similar position, though not as extreme as yours). If you don't tell someone, put an end to it yourself and don't let him behave like that any longer. I want to address this specifically. Also this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. Also this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. No, don't put it in terms of this. What you're doing is wrong. Sure, there have been many atrocities much worse than parents have visited their daughters. You gonna wait for me to take one more step to see what a mistake is? It makes you feel uncomfortable... it's on the other side of the line. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your comfort and limits... this is something you clearly don't like. I've never thought of it that way, how I'm hoping it'll go further than you have to worry seriously. And reading that makes it look so stupid haha... I think I need to grow a couple and tell him to leave. Your father is hiding you for future explicit sexual behaviors, or trying to make the nerve to act on his sexual impulses to you. Probably both. Their median apology, their recognition of inappropriate behavior: these are calculated statements designed to make you feel sympathy and confidence. He's trying to open a dialogue with you where you reassure him, tell him "okay," and he can convince himself that you like this, you want this. Please understand that this is not your fault or your responsibility. You didn't "let him" do anything. He's taking advantage of your trust and love for him to manipulate you. If you feel guilt or responsibility, it's because you've been manipulated in a cruel and atrocious way. If I were really concerned about the impact of your actions, I'd be talking to a counselor. You are not looking for help, or participating in a productive chat with a qualified individual, you are looking for sympathy, validation and implicit permission. Your father's abusing you. Don't compare yourself to a hypothetical scenario worse. Please speak to someone with authority and credentials. Start with a direct line, if you are apprehensive or conflictive. I've seen "no pain but creepy" play before, and the final game is always the same: never harmless. If you want, please listen to this person! You're young, maleable, and this description of manipulation is on the point. You're not really in the right position to evaluate your relationship with him and his motives correctly. His actions point to the fact that he is not concerned about his well-being, that he is not concerned about correcting his own actions but about satisfying his own sexual impulses, which is not right in any kind of relationship, regardless of how much you feel they love you. The likely hood of its worsening progress also seems eminent. ***** As a child I also faced different types of abuse. I have also fought with (and continue to work on) border issues and therefore ended up in other abusive relationships, as well as on the wrong side of sexual crime. These things still affect my life. I think telephone lines are a good start, but I also urge you to seek advice. I started seeing a therapist when I was 19 years ago almost 6 years ago. I wouldn't be the emotionally well rounded, socially successful person that I am today. Therapy has helped me navigate personal boundaries, my personal and professional relationships effectively, as well as manage my own motives, expectations and emotions. Either way you choose, I hope you get help. You don't have to face this problem alone. I send you my best wishes! Polar in front of your best friend. Think of your friends at school. If you approached you with any of these behaviors and actions, would you welcome him? No. Why? Because it's sexual abuse. The reason he knows how to react to his moods, he knows you so well, he feels like the best partner is because he has studied you all your life. Non-parental. In a predatory way. You have to talk to someone, anyone. They don't have to be a family member, but someone needs to hear you say these words out loud, so you can have a strong, adult, and clear-headed reaction that touched you. This can feel like it's natural. But it's not love, I'm sorry. And it's tearing. But I assure you, what he's doing is hurting you. And he is aware of this, and yet he is doing nothing to stop these actions. Please tell someone. This is gonna upset you as a woman for your whole life. Please let someone help you get through this. Show me at any time. He's not your best friend, he doesn't have a good moral compass. He's bothering you and manipulating you while he's in it so you don't tell people. It's not your fault. He's a figure of authority for you and he's using that power to abuse you. Also this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. Also this might not be so important; some parents make their daughters much worse. It's very important, and there aren't many parents who do worse than sexually abuse their children. It's difficult, yes, but your father needs help, not only so he doesn't scale things with you (and he probably will, in time), but also because he could do the same things to another teenager a few years on the line. Or you tell people, a trusted teacher could work well for this, or you can convince him to go to a therapist (in which case, make sure he goes and not just pretends). Also, make it very clear that your behavior has to stop now or go to the police with this. In the end, he's hurting you on purpose, psychologically (you'll show a little fear of men here), to get some satisfaction. That's absolutely unacceptable and the longer the longer it's going to ruin you. Edit: Also, I'm so sorry you're going through this. No one should have to. If you ever need a random stranger to talk, send me a PM. MembersOnline
My father touched me in an inappropriate (possibly) manner [light] My father touched me in a (possibly) inappropriate [light] way of Crece, because I don't want to get myself or anyone in trouble So, like, I'm currently a second in high school that lives with my two parents, and I'm her only daughter (or girl, that's why). A few days ago, I was cutting fruit in the kitchen, and my father was in the living room watching TV. From my position, I could say that I was looking at myself, but it was nothing out of the ordinary, he looks at me all the time, my mother does that too - especially when I'm handling sharp objects because I'm clumsy as shit and I've shaved more than once by accident. I didn't even notice him coming into the kitchen, but he took some of the fridge and he came after me. He murmured something along the lines, "I think you look great today –" and I felt his hand on my back. Before I could put down the knife or react or say something, his hand knocked my back and painted it against my ass. Now, my first instinct was that it was accidental, but it definitely wasn't. I could feel his fingers pressing against my ass and kick him once, before I got back on the couch. To be honest, I couldn't even stay in the living room with him after giving him the fruit - I went to my room and tried hard to process what just happened, without doing anything. So, the logical part of me decides to wait a few days to approach this matter with a clear mind Never did this before, or has acted strangely around me in any way; the truth is said to be a great father My parents have a good relationship. I didn't feel raped or victimized in any way. I have no idea why the fuck did that Ohmygodohmygod who the fuck did it The question now is Should I confront you about the matter? Should I ignore it? What if he does it again? Thank you for taking the time to listen to my cringeworthy story, and I would appreciate some advice (which would not land any of us in prison). This can sound really bad. I'm not trained in this sand. However, something similar happened to my father when he was small and it turned out he was very dizzy at the time and he was just pointing badly. It never came back. I'd say you need 2 points to draw a line. Don't wait 3, but I'd wait to see if (or anything, no matter how mild) happens again. Omg, you need 2 points to draw a line! I'm the father of two girls from 14 and 8. Definitely say something to someone if you have a serious concern. Having said that, although anything is possible, it seems unlikely that only now would he begin to exhibit that kind of behavior at this point of his relationship; he would probably have noticed something odd or uncomfortable before this incident. Besides, my girls and I hit each other in the ass and at the risk of saying the obvious, it's definitely not sexual. We just played a lot and the ass is an easy and funny target. Of course, I always encourage you to talk when someone makes you feel uncomfortable, especially with regard to your bodies. A red flag could be if your father has told you something contrary to this or has done something more too sexual (or if he does it in the future). If not, he is probably an uncomfortable father struggling (poorly) with how to show affection to his teenage daughter. Even if it wasn't accidental, it might not have been sexual. It may have been an innocent duck, you're her daughter. I agree with others about waiting to see what happens. Having a conversation about this is going to make it very uncomfortable, and very likely you could see massive between your relationship with it. When you bring him in, he'll think you see him as perverted and pedophile. This seems very innocent. If it becomes a pattern, that would be a matter of concern. But now it seems that your father is a good man. I'm pretty sure society has you overthinking this. Have you done anything else since then? Could you be reading too much? Maybe moving his hand down was accidental. It could be that I was giving you a compliment that just turned a little uncomfortable. You say you're not raped or victimized, so how do you feel about what he did? I guess you're not okay with that otherwise you would have let it happen now? If you're comfortable approaching him then it may be better to do it when you know he's alone but you have to go somewhere soon as work. That way it gives them enough time to talk, but if things become really uncomfortable they both know that you have to leave soon what would give them time to calm down and think. The way you described it at least for me doesn't seem much that I wouldn't say anything for now It could have been a bad target and not realize it was your ass If it happens again, yes, of course he talks, but I don't think you should get fixed by something that could be nothing at all, I don't think it's something to worry about, but it's not something to let go. Do not dwell too much in him right now, because as others have said, he may have misjudged the distance, was trying to get his balance, etc. Maybe we're wearing a long, puppy shirt, where he could have misjudged where your ass was? I'm not trying to slow down what happened, but I hope you didn't do it on purpose. :) Definitely not wearing a long shirt/baggy. I haven't seen anyone mention it but maybe try to go through your Internet story (if you're really worried and can't stop thinking about it). The history of the Internet can tell you a lot about someone, but I must immediately notice that the porn preference does not necessarily amount to real life preferences (i.e., if you happen to see the incest porn in your history does not necessarily mean that you see it that way). Ignore him, you idiot. What the hell is going on with the kids today? WOMG was in the trap? He specifically said he didn't think he was a victim. Don't be such an idiot."I didn't feel raped or victimized in any way"I didn't feel raped or victimized in any way"She's just asking for advice, you idiot. Shit, are you crazy? Really! You guys are turning this society into paranoid idiots in the babysitter state. Do you realize that this is his father who has treated his good ALL his life and for a simple misunderstanding or potential error that you are ready to overthrow sexual assault on a smaller card! What the fuck is wrong with you! Are you ready for this man's life to be ruined and to be put on a list of sexual predators for life without possibility of undoing? He probably did it by accident or didn't mean it to be taken that way! He didn't follow up on trying to be sex with her either. If you persisted with a follow-up of the action or sexualized comment then that is different. Oh, my God. Come on. It may have been accidental. At this rate we will begin criminalizing all physical contact without a lawyer present. I just said the phrase "my father assaulted me sexually" out loud and sounds too serious to be true, idkMembersOnline

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